Kingston PiUte Co. Auguste 11th 1878.

 A Blessing given by Wm McBride Patriarch upon the head of Sarah, daughter of James & Mary Magdeline Etteleman Houston Pratt, born Aguste 3d 1823, Star (Stark) County Ohio.

 Sister Sarah.  In the name of Jesus, I place my hands upon thy head, and by the authority of the Holy Priesthood, I seal upon thee a Patriarchal blessing.  I say unto thee, if thou shall give heed thereunto, shall be a comfort to thee in time, and a guide to thee in thy future life, and will lead thee into Eternal life, for I seal upon thee a blessing of life, and the wisdom and power to control thy mind; that thou mayest have peace and joy upon the earth, and shall be able to perform all the Lord require at thy hands, and be thou comforted, for the Lord will bless thee, and I bless thee in the name of the Lord, and say unto thee, thy last days shall be thy best days, for it is thy privilege to go into the Temple of the Lord, and do work for thy father’s house for the salvation and redemption of the same, both the living and the dead, and thou shall stand as a mother to a numerous posterity, and in connection with thy companion, thou shall receive crowns of Eternal life, and he be a King and thou a [column break] Queen to our God, and receive an everlasting inheritance upon the Land of Zion, and stand upon thy inheritance in the morning of the first resurrection, for thy land is in Ephraim, and shall stand upon thy inheritance with all thy relatives and friends, and all that is near & dear unto thee, for I seal these upon thee, with all your former ordinances and blessings in the name of Jesus.  Amen

 Peter Nelson,   scribe.    H. Edward Dessaules   clerk.

[Transcribed by Dick Grigg; Mar 2011]