Pamphlet on Patriarchal Marriage.

In accordance with an almost universally expressed desire on the part of the missionaries and others, we have embodied the discourses delivered at Conference, on the subject of Patriarchal Marriage, in one pamphlet, and will have them for sale at this office tomorrow. There will be three discourses, one each by President Geo. A. Smith and Elders Orson Pratt and Geo. Q. Cannon.

Price twenty cents per copy; a large reduction will be made to wholesale buyers.

[Deseret News, Nov. 3, 1869]


Local and Other Matters.
Will Be Published Shortly.

Considerable enquiry is made by the public for the reply of Elder Orson Pratt to the sermon of the Reverend Mr. Newman, against polygamy, preached some time since in the City of Washington. We take this opportunity of informing our readers and the public generally, that we are about to publish, in pamphlet form, Mr. Newman’s discourse and Elder Pratt’s reply. They will be ready for sale in a few days.

[Deseret News, June 22, 1870]

[transcribed and proofread by David Grow, Dec. 2006]


Local and Other Matters.
From Thursday’s Daily, May 25.
Church Publications.

In answer to many enquiries about certain Church works we have to state that the Book of Mormon will be ready and on sale in about eight days from this date.

The Book of Doctrine and Covenants, now out of print, will be ready, if nothing unlooked for occurs to prevent, in two months from now. The new edition is revised, re-arranged, according to the dates upon which the revelations were received, and is divided into sections and verses, in a somewhat similar style to the construction of the Bible. It will also contain several revelations that have not appeared any former edition.

The pamphlet, “Does the Bible Sanction Polygamy, a Discussion between Elder Orson Pratt and the Rev. J.P. Newman,” is in hand and will be ready in about a month from now.

[Deseret News, May 31, 1876]

[transcribed and proofread by David Grow, Dec. 2006]


Local and Other Matters.
From Tuesday’s Daily, August 8.
The Bible and Polygamy.

We have at this office, now ready and for sale, a new and revised edition of the pamphlet, of over a hundred pages, “Does the Bible Sanction Polygamy,” being a discussion that took place in the New Tabernacle, in this city, August 12th, 13th, and 14th, 1870, between Professor Orson Pratt, one of the Twelve Apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day saints and Rev. Dr. J.P. Newman, then Chaplain of the United States Senate.

Besides the discussion there is an article, by Professor Pratt, on “Dr. Newman’s Marginal Law,” and the pamphlet also incorporates three sermons, on the subject of polygamy, delivered respectively by the late President George A. Smith, Elder Orson Pratt and Elder Geo. Q. Cannon.

The work is in clear bold type, printed on good paper and enclosed in neat paper covers. Price 50cts.

[Deseret News, Aug. 16, 1876]

[transcribed and proofread by David Grow, Dec. 2006]

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