Fillmore City Pioneer Passes

Fillmore, Utah, Oct. 19—Franklin Alonzo Robison, 85, only remaining founder of Fillmore, died at his home Saturday at 6 p.m. Burial will take place Tuesday following funeral services in the First Ward Chapel at Fillmore.

Mr. Robison’s name was linked with nearly every early civic and Church project of importance. With his brothers, he aided in constructing the first State House. At the time of his death he was president of the Stake High Priests Quorum. He had held the office of stake superintendent of Sunday Schools and other Church Auxiliary positions. He also had served as sheriff and mayor of Fillmore. He had been president of the Fillmore Irrigation Company.

Born July 29, 1851 at Crete, Ill., Mr. Robison was a son of Joseph and Lucretia Hancock Robison. He crossed the plains with his parents in 1854.

On April 10, 1872, he married Isabel Eleanor Pratt, daughter of Parley P. Pratt. In 1882 he married Harriet Thorpe and in 1889, Lois Thorpe became his wife. The latter two survive him.

He is survived by 23 children. They are: Mrs. Florence Ellison, Parker P. Robison, Mrs. Ella Jacobsen and Mrs. Josephine Pack, Salt Lake City; Alma Robison and Mrs. Herman King, Layton; Mrs. Harry Destain, Holladay; Eldred and Nola Robison and Mrs. Alda Van Winkle, Los Angeles; Mrs. Rose Ellison, Deseret; Archie, Homer, Culbert, Lindon, Ancil, Franklin, and Alfred Robison, and Mrs. Verna Davis and Mrs. Olea Davis, all of Fillmore; Harmel Robison, Wisconsin, Mrs. Linda Young, Richfield and Mrs. Ruth Peterson, Santa Monica, Calif. Seventy-three grandchildren and 30 great-grandchildren also survive.

[Deseret News, Oct. 19, 1936, 14]

[transcribed and proofread by David Grow, Jan. 2006]


Utah Pioneer Dies at Home In Fillmore
Franklin A. Robinson, 85, Church Leader, Built First Capitol

Fillmore—Franklin Alonzo Robison, 85, pioneer of Fillmore and leader in civic and church activities for many years, died Saturday at 8 p.m. at his home here of ailments incident to age.

He had served as mayor of Fillmore, sheriff of Millard county, member of the school board, president of the Millard L.D.S. stake high priest’s quorum, member of two bishoprics, stake superintendent of Sunday schools, president of the Fillmore Irrigation company and in numerous other church and civic positions.

Pioneer of 1854

He was believed to be the earliest living resident of Fillmore, having come here with his parents, Joseph and Lucretia Hancock Robison, in 1854.

Mr. Robison had operated large cattle and livestock holdings and engaged in other agricultural activities. With his family he crossed the plains in 1854, settling here the same year.

He was married on April 10, 1872 to Isabell Eleanor Pratt, a daughter of Parley P. Pratt of the L.D.S. church council of twelve apostles; to Harriet Thorpe on November 30, 1882, and to Lois Thorpe February 25, 1889. The last two survive.

Family Survives

Other survivors are 12 sons and 11 daughters: Mrs. Florence Ellison, Parker P. Robison, Mrs. Ella Jacobsen and Mrs. Josephine Pack, Salt Lake City; Alma Robison and Mrs. Herma King, Layton; Mrs. Carry Despain, Holladay; Eldred and Nolan Robison and Mrs. Alda Van Winkle, Los Angeles; Mrs. Lois Eliason, Archie, Homer, Culbert, Lindon, Ancil, Franklin and Alfred Robison, Mrs. Verna Davis and Mrs. Olea Davis, Fillmore; Harmel Robison, Wisconsin; Mrs. Linda Young, Richfield, and Mrs. Ruth Peterson, Santa Monica, Cal.; also 73 grandchildren and 30 great-grandchildren.

Funeral services will be conducted in the L.D.S. Fillmore First ward chapel Tuesday at 2 p.m.

Burial will take place in the Fillmore cemetery.

[Salt Lake Tribune, Oct. 19, 1936, 10]

[transcribed and proofread by David Grow, Jan. 2006]


State and Local Obituaries

Franklin A. Robison

Fillmore, Utah—Funeral services for Franklin Alonzo Robison, 85, who died at his home in Fillmore Saturday, were held here today. Mr. Robison was a pioneer of Fillmore. He came here with his parents when he was three years of age. He was born in Crete, Ill., July 29, 1851, son of Joseph and Lucrecia Hancock Robison.

He married Eleanor Pratt in Fillmore, April 10, 1872. He married Harriet Thorpe on Nov. 30, 1882 and Lois Thorpe on Feb 28, 1889. Mrs. Harriet Robison and Mrs. Lois Robison survive. He was always active in Church, city, and county affairs. He served on a mission for the Church in the Northwestern States.

In addition to his widows, he is survived by 23 children, 90 grandchildren, and 43 great-grandchildren.

Bishop Lorenzo Brunson conducted the services in the First Ward Chapel. Interment was in the Fillmore City cemetery.

[Deseret News, Oct. 21, 1936, 18]

[transcribed and proofread by David Grow, Jan. 2006]


Franklin A. Robison Dies

Fillmore Pioneer Passes Away At Advanced Age of 85

Funeral services were held in the Fillmore Ward Chapel Tuesday, Oct. 20, at 2 p.m. for Franklin Alonzo Robison, pioneer of Fillmore, who died at his home here Saturday, Oct. 17 at 8 p.m. of ailments incident to age.

Mr. Robison was believed to be the earliest living resident of Fillmore having come here with his parents in 1854.  He was an active church worker all his life, serving as president of the Millard Stake high priests’ quorum, member of two bishoprics, stake superintendent of Sunday Schools, and in numerous other church capacities.

He was born July 29, 1851, at Crete, Illinois, the son of Joseph and Lucretia Robison.  He was married on April 10, 1872 to Isabell Eleanor Pratt, a daughter of Parley P. Pratt, the apostle; to Harriet Thorpe on Nov. 30, 1882, and to Lois Thorpe February 25, 1889.  The last two survive.

Mr. Robison was also a civic leader, serving at various times, as mayor Fillmore; sheriff of Millard county, member of the school board and president of the Fillmore Irrigation Company.

With his family he was a contractor for building the old State Capitol, now the Museum, at Fillmore.  Most of his life, he had been a farmer, holding large acreages and running a great many cattle.

Besides his widows he is survived by 12 sons and 11 daughters: Mrs. Florence Ellison, Parker P. Robison, Mrs. Ella Jacobson and Mrs. Josephine Pack, Salt Lake City; Alma Robison and Mrs. Herma King, Layton; Mrs. Carrie Despain, Holladay; Eldred and Nolan Robison and Mrs. Alda Van Winkle, Los Angeles; Mrs. Lois Eliason, Deseret; Archie, Homer, Culbert, Lindon, Anell, Franklin and Alfred Robison, Mrs. Verna Davies and Mrs. Olea Davies, Fillmore; Harmel Robison, Wisconsin; Mrs. Linda Young, Richfield; and Mrs. Ruth Peterson, Santa Monica, California; also by 123 grandchildren and 73 great grandchildren.

Speakers at the funeral services were John Wells, member of the presiding bishopric of the church, Lafayette Holbrook, both of Salt Lake; and Edward L. Black of Kanosh.  Bishop Brunson, who conducted the services, offered a few closing remarks.  President T. Clark Callister offered the invocation and Peter L. Brunson pronounced the benediction.  The Singing Mothers rendered several musical numbers and Mrs. Olive Partridge played a violin solo.

Six grandsons acted as pall bearers and great-granddaughters carried the flowers.  The grave was dedicated by H.H. Shireliff.

The following people came from out of town to attend the services: Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Jacobson, Mrs. Fred Park, Mrs. Florence Ellison, Mrs. O.A. Despain, Parker Robison, Dean Pack, Bishop John Wells, Mr. and Mrs. H.H. Shurtliff, Mr. and Mrs. Lafayette Holbrook, all of Salt Lake City; Eldred Robison, Los Angeles; Mr. and Mrs. Alma Robison, Bountiful; Mrs. R.W. King, Kaysville; Mr. and Mrs. A.W. Young and daughter Reba, Mrs. R.T. Dale, Richfield; Mrs. Ralph Sorenson, Koosharem; W.J. Keith, Mrs. W.A. Barney, Provo; Mrs. Gilbert White, Elberta; Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Allen and daughter Winona, Greenriver; Mr. and Mrs. Bert Robison and Mr. and Mrs. Wilis Robison, Hinckley; Joseph H. Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. A.A. Stott, F. Earl Stott of Meadow; Edward L. Black and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barnery of Kanosh, and others from neighboring towns.

[Millard County Progress, Oct. 23, 1936]


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