Nauvoo Ill. June 18th 1842

Elder P. P. Pratt

Dear Brother

As I have an opportunity of sending a letter by Elders Fielding & Clark to my friends in England I thought I would impose it by saying a few words to Elder pratt, But what shall I talk about in order to have it interesting to you. as to news- I have not much owing the whole world is in a hubbub except Nauvoo[.] we have peace & quietness here[.] L. W. Bogg has been shot in his own house but was alive the  last accounts[.]

Many of the papers thought the U.S.A. want to exchange with the Mormon papers our exchange list has increased to 100 weekly & may others want to exchange & most all have sumthing to say about the Saints, Mobs one [unreadable] though many parts of [unreadable], Texas has proclaimed war against Mexico. It is a heathy time in Nauvoo. The Temple & Nauvoo Home is prospering as fast as circumstances will permit but that is rather slow, Emegration is like Bees—swarming by flowers from all parts our congreagations are exceeding large, Many are Baptized  in the font for the dead[.] we are all generally in good health & Spirit& our families

As to deaths their has been but few of [unreadable] among us[.]

Heman T Hick died a few days since, The Legion numbers [page break] 2000, the female releaf society nos about 500[.] the Nauvoo Masonic Lodge, about 300, all very active in their sphere, I think you would Hardly know Nauvoo was you to come into it[.] the prairies are ploughed fenced & planked for miles around Nauvoo there is considerable excitement though the state about our voting in the coming election president Rigdon runs for our Senator[.] it is not yet decided who will run for our representatives, Mormonism is making quite a noise though the work which it is known[.] It does our Souls good to hear of its continual progress in England[.] my prayer is that the Lord will make you mighty & stand by you in every time of Need. Elder John E. page is in Pittsburgh, Wm Smith gone East all the rest of the Twelve is in Nauvoo, that are in this county[.] Steem Mills put works & alls manufactors are going up, in this City[.] give my respects to Sister pratt & Olive & all who inquire; I have forwarded you the T & Seasons to Manchester but Lest you should not get them I send them again by Elder Fielding also the wasp & shall foreward them hereafter to your address in Liverpool We receive your file of stories which are interesting to us[.] I forwarded the Star to the man in Warsaw that told the lie[.] Col Elder L Wight has gone out on a Mission give him a chance & he will use that sword (you spoke of) with honor to himself & the sword to [page break]

The Saints abroad manifest much interest in the Book of Abraham in the T & Seasons[.] it will be continued as fast as Joseph gets time to translate[.] phebe wishes me to send her respects to Brother & Sister Pratt[.] we have a fine healthy girl 3 months old[.] Our little Boy came near killing himself drinking strong lye but has got well again[.] Steam Boat & rail road accidents are as frequent as Gas fires &c. I  have your letter read you sent Joseph[.] it was a good one[.] I don’t know whether it was answered or not, I have never seen Joseph as full of business as of late he hardly gets time to Sign his name[.] Lyman Johnson has just came into the Office is well in health[.]

Sisters O pratt J Taylor & W Woodruff have been Blessed with a present of a fine girl each since we came home & I expect the rest will soon[.]

When can I see Br parly in Nauvoo[?] I hope soon so that he can get prepared to take that Sea Voyage with me to Gibralter so that I can get that Sovreign for I have brought that hammer safe to Nauvoo and drill all my nails with it.  I thought about the hammer while I was wrecked on Lake Michigan last fall with my family and 300 passengers on board the Chesepeak nearly all expecting to find a watery grave for nearly 24 hours but we came out.  Strait Hammer and all no lives lost except a few jack asses pigs geese and e.  Write me a letter Brother Parley the first opportunity you have of comprising as much matter of interest as I have put in this sheet and you will much oblige.

W. Woodruff

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[Transcribed by Walt Morrell and Mauri Pratt; Oct. 2015]

“Wilford Woodruff letter, Nauvoo, to Parley P. Pratt, 1842 June 18,” Parley P. Pratt correspondence 1842-1855; MS 897, folder 1, document 5, p. 1-3 ( : Retrieved 12 Oct 2015), Church History Library, Salt Lake City, Ut.

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