Augusta,  April 8th 1853

Cousin Orson Pratt, Dr Sir,

I received a letter from Father some two or three weeks ago, in which was enclosed, a letter from you, giving me much information, that I have often desired, vis. The genealogy of the Pratts.  I had not the most distant idea that a genealogy of them could be got up that would be at all satisfactory, but I am happy to learn that an attempt is being made, that bids fair to succeed; Father sent them to me, to have me make out the list, probably on account of his want of memory, and eyesight.  I immediately sent a list of all the Pratt names I knew together with other items as directed by the “circular.”  I have also sent letters to my brothers, requesting them to make out a list of their families names.  My Aunt Rhoda Bonney is dead, as is also Aunt Sally Bigelow.  Uncle Samuel Pratt, is still living, or was when last heard from, which was but a short time ago.  His P.O. Address is Hamden Geauga Co. Ohio.  Barnabas Bonney, (Aunt Rhoda’s son) lives in Rollin Lenassu Co. Michigan.  Obadiah Bonney his brother lives in Bainbridge Geauga Co. Ohio.  Oren Bonney (Barnabas’ son) lives in Kalamazoo, Michigan.  My Brothers, (Wm & Obadiah) live in Lowell Kent Co. Michigan.  Please write me often, and I will endeavor to reply.  I would write more, but you are a stranger, however that need not debar us from writing frequently.

From Your Cousin
Seth Pratt

To O. Pratt Esq.
Direct. Charleston
Kalamazoo Co

[Transcribed by Nora Fowers and Portia Williams; Dec. 2010]

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