Held at the residence of Bro. Geo. Nebeker, 19th Ward Feb. 25th 1870.

                Among those invited were Sisters E. R. Snow, Zina D. Young, S. M. Kimbal, and Sister Precinda Kimbal. 

Mrs. A. Agatha Pratt was appointed president, and Mrs. Abigal D. Hovey secretary. Meeting was opened by  singing, prayer by Sister Zina D. Young.  Sister A. A. Pratt stated the object of the meeting.  Mrs. A. D. Hovey then read the editorial in the “Evening News” of Feb. 16th, also the minutes of the first Retrenchment Meeting held at Sister Horne’s;  all present voted to sustain and help carry out the resolutions therin adopted.  Sister E. R. Snow said her heart rejoiced greatly to meet with her sisters on these occasions; the subject of retrenchment was of great importance.  Union is power, the sisters can do wonders, not in boasting but by relying on power of God. Bro. Young says we can do more by our influence than he can, for this reason let every sister be energetic in carrying out this movement, let plainness, in respect to food become fashionable, make no apology for not having a greater variety, the time has come when we must live for holy purposes.  We are not here by chance, we must prove ourselves faithful; the time has come when we must lay the foundation for the prolongation of life, our diet has much to do with it.  Overloading ones stomach with a variety of food is not healthy.  We have not that clearness of intellect, we should eat slowly, and take time to masticate our food well.  Said there are many evils arising from our present mode of entertaining our friends, it fosters ambition and pride.  The mode we should adopt saves time; has a purifying tendency, we need not be definite as to what our food is, but let it be plain and wholesome as far as daily living is concerned there is not need of speaking.  It is for extra occasions; said she had many times refrained from visiting her sisters because they spent so much time in preparing food, it prevented her from enjoying their society.  If our living was plainer our babies would be stronger and our minds more active, we should take care of our bodies and spe3nd more time in refreshing our minds.  Sister Precinda Kimbal, Zina D. Young and Sister S. M. Kimbal made some very instructive and appropriate remarks, and all present expressed a desire to do all in their power to carry out the design of the meeting.  Sister E. R. Snow expressed herself much pleased that all had spoken, encouraged all to speak when called upon, said the only way to learn to speak was to practice, no person could become a good speaker at once.  Sister A. A. Pratt said she was much gratified, that all present has responded and exhibited such a unity of sentiment, said she had written a few lines which she then read.  Meeting as then adjourned sine die, benediction by E. R. Snow.  All then partook of a “Retrenchment” meal consisting of potatoes, cold beef, bread and butter, rice pudding, apple sauce, one kind of preserves, pickles, cheese and cold water, this may seem quite a supper, but when we reflect what an endless variety of pies, cakes, meats and vegetables were usually placed before such a company (25 in num.) we considered it was at least a step towards Table Retrenchments.

A. A. Pratt,  Pres.                                               A. D. Hovey,  Sec.

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[Transcribed by Dorrie Lee and Walt Morrell, Apr. 2014]

A. A. Pratt and A. D. Hovey, “Minutes of the Ladies Co-operative Retrenchment Meeting, transcribed notes, 25 February 1870; MS 5037, file 1, document 1, p. 1-2; online images, Church History Catalog, Ann Agatha Walker Pratt Collection, 1847-1870 (https://dcms.lds.org/delivery/DeliveryManagerServlet?dps_pid=IE2132371&usedforsort=MS_5037_f0001 : January 2014); Church History Library, Salt Lake City.

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