Teancum Pratt Dead

Teancum Pratt fell down a shaft in No. 4 coal mine at Winter Quarters last Sunday afternoon and was instantly killed.  It is not known how the unfortunate man happened to fall but it is supposed he lost his footing while at work.

Deceased was a son of the late Parley P. Pratt whose name is inseparably associated with the early settlement of Utah and the establishment of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  The news was a great shock to his many relatives over the state.  His brother Nephi Pratt who is employed in the office of the Improvement Era at Salt Lake City and his family went to Winter Quarters Monday morning to attend the funeral.

Deceased had been a resident of Spring Glen of this county for a number of years when he has engaged in farming and mining.

He once owned Helper townsite but fortune never smiled upon him for any length of time and his large family is now left in poor circumstances.

[Eastern Utah Advocate, Sep. 13, 1900]
[Emery County Progress, Sep. 15, 1900]

[transcribed and proofread by David Grow, Sept. 2006]

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