Augusta Center
March 3d 1854

Rev. and Dear friend, I received Epistle and also the Books and Seer, for which I give you my sincere thanks, praying that God will abundantly reward you. As respects Mormonism it is but little known in this place and Ridiculed as much as the religion of Jesus Christ by the unbelieving Jews and the scoffing rabble, however, if you are founded uppon the rock, the Gates of Hell never can prevail against you; When I read the Seer I was astounded to think of the persecution your people have received and the Silence of the general Government in regard to it: as respects the faith and practice of your denomination as laid down in the books you gave me I do not object. The reason why revelation and miracles ceaced in the Church I think may be attributed to cold and carnal professesrs of whom there are Thousands in the present day that walk in pride and vanity. Speaking evil of the things they know not. There were Miracles wrought by Patriarchs Prophets under that dispensation; Also by the apostles, why not in the latter days when the bells upon the houses are holy to the Lord,. Please send me a M.—n Bible mark the price and I will remit the money.

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I should be glad to accompany you to Utah to preach the gospel

I rec,d another letters this Morning:

Your Brother and fellow Labourer in the Gospel of Christ David Pratt

Rev: Orson Pratt

[Transcribed by Verlie Brown and Nora Fowers; Nov. 2010]

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