
Br. P.P. Pratt called upon us on Monday with a specimen copy of Warren’s Household Physician, a new and elaborate work on physiology, anatomy, diseases and their remedies, written for the express purpose of supplying a vast amount of valuable medical information to its readers, and enabling them to understand the nature of and apply the proper remedies to diseases, whether simple or serious.  The work is well bound, for common use, and contains nearly three hundred engravings, some of them very finely executed and tinted.  This work is published by the American Pacific Publishing House, for which br. Pratt is agent, in company with Messrs. Sleater and Fuller.  He is canvassing for subscribers, as well for this as for other works, and has met with encouraging success thus far.

He showed us some splendid steel engravings, suitable for framing, which he is prepared to furnish at moderate prices, with frames and glass for them.

[Deseret News, June 21, 1866]

[transcribed and proofread by David Grow, Sept. 2006]

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