General Conference
Friday, Two o’clock, p.m.
Conference called to order by Daniel Spencer. Singing. Prayer by G.A. Smith.
P.P. Pratt made some remarks on the mountains and valleys south of the Utah. If we carry out the instructions that we continually receive, we shall be the happiest people on the earth; whoever is governed by the kingdom of God is a happy man; but who realizes it? It always was the man that was ready, that the Lord would work by; the only thing that should concern us is, have we the principles of the kingdom of God in our hearts, and is it our desire to fulfill them?…
[Millennial Star, 13:17]
[Journal History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Sep. 6, 1850, 1]
[transcribed and proofread by David Grow, July 2006]