Royal B. Young Dies After Illness
Former President of Music Company Had Active Life

Royal Barney Young, 78, prominent in Salt Lake Church, civic and political affairs for many years, died Friday at a local hospital following a lingering illness.

Mr. Young was born in Salt Lake in 1851 the son of Brigham and Harriett Barney Young. During his entire life he has been an active Church member. He was a high priest at the time of his death and had served for many years in the bishopric of the Forest Dale ward. He was for many years president of the Young Music company.

Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Emmeline Rawlings Young, three sons, 9 daughters, numerous grandchildren and one sister Mrs. Sarah Burns of Los Angeles.

[Deseret News, Oct. 4, 1929]

[transcribed and proofread by David Grow, Jan. 2006]


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