Land Office Notes.

The case of George H. Williams vs. Parley P. Pratt was decided by Register Hobbs and Receiver Sherman in the Land Office yesterday.  The case involves Homestead entry No. 2428, made June 8, 1889, covering the southeast quarter of section 18, township 1 north, of range 1 west.  The entry was made by Parley P. Pratt, and on April 12, 1893, Williams filed an affidavit of contest, alleging abandonment for more than six months.  The case was heard June 12th.  The decision is that it is only necessary to read Mr. Pratt’s own testimony and that of his witnesses (all relatives) to find that his residence was, during the six months, in Salt Lake City, and that the allegations of Williams are sustained, and that the application of Mr. Pratt should be cancelled.  Thirty days are allowed to appeal.

[Salt Lake Tribune, Aug. 1, 1893]

[transcribed and proofread by David Grow, Aug. 2006]

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