Cleveland House Academy.
Dec. 12th, 1856

My dear Parents,

I venture to hope that you will cheerfully acquiesce in the arrangement Mr. Simons has made of allowing us a short period of rest, at this appropriate season, from our usual daily School routine, and after you have carefully examined me, in my various pursuits, I trust the result will gain for me, your future good opinion, should it be so, the enjoyment of my anticipated holiday, will be greatly enhanced.

With many thanks for your parental solicitude and affection, I remain with much love,

Your ever dutiful Son,
F.C. Woods

P.S. Mr. and Mrs. Simons desire to be kindly remembered.  The holidays will begin on Wednesday the 17th Instant, and terminate on Monday January 5th, 1857.

[transcribed and proofread by David Grow, Jan. 2007]

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