Local Postmaster Retires After 45 Years In Service
In Postal Service During Terms of Ten Presidents
After forty-five years of continuous service in the United States Postal Department, James S. Morgan, Superintendent of the Murray branch, Salt Lake City post office will retire from active duty in the government service December 31, 1938.
Mr. Morgan began his active career in the Salt Lake post office on March 16, 1894 when the office was located in the Dooly Block on West 2nd South street under Irving A. Benton, postmaster, during the first administration of President Benjamin Harrison.
He has serve din every department of this office and for a period as Superintendent of the Fort Douglas office when it was a station of Salt Lake City and during the last eleven years as Superintendent of the Murray branch of the Salt Lake post office.
Mr. Morgan has served under eight postmasters during his career: I.A. Benton, A.H. Nash, C.R. Barratt, Arthur L. Thomas, Noble Warrum, Ralph Guthrie, John McPhee and I.A. Smoot.
Mr. Morgan has worked with the post office under ten presidents: Benjamin Harrison, Grover Cleveland, William McKinley, Theodore Roosevelt, Howard P. Taft, Woodrow Wilson, Warren G. Harding, Calvin S. Coolidge, Herbert Hoover and Franklin D. Roosevelt.
He was the first employee to enter the postal service of Salt Lake City under the civil service law that was sponsored and enacted by Congress and that great civil service reformer, Grover Cleveland, during his first administration.
He has seen the personnel of the office, about thirty clerks and carriers, grow to over five hundred in number, Mr. Morgan being the oldest employee in point of service now serving in the Salt post office or its branches. He retires from the post office service on the above mentioned date under the pension system instituted by the government in the year 1920.
Enjoyed Murray
Mr. Morgan desire to express through the Eagle his deep appreciation of the kindly cooperation he has received from the business men and patrons of the Murray post office during the many years he has served them and he extends his best wishes for their continued health and welfare.
[Murray Eagle, Dec. 1, 1938]
[transcribed and proofread by David Grow, Aug. 2006]