Manchester, November 10th 1841.

Mary Wood, Born at Glasgow.

June 18th. 1819.  Patriarchal Blessing

Dear Sister, I lay my hands upon thy head, in the name of Jesus Christ and by authority of the Holy Priesthood I pronounce upon thy head the blessings of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and as thou hast obeyed the Gospel in the ordinance of Baptism, and thereby entered the covenant and become a child of God, and an heir to all the blessings and priveleges of a citizen of the kingdom. Thy new life is hid with Christ in God, and when he who is thy life shall appear, thou shalt appear with him, in Glory.

[page break]

Thou hast chosen Mary’s portion which shall not be taken from thee. The union is formed between thee and the Saviour which shall not be dissolved to all Eternity. Thou shalt walk before the Lord, in the path of righteousness, and bear fruit unto holiness. Thou shalt have a loving heart, and be adorned with Gifts: when thou shalt administer for healing, the Lord shall bless thee and own thee in the laying on of hands, Revelation, & Visions. Thou shalt be a prophetess the handmaiden of the Lord wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. The loving kindness of the Lord shall surround thee. Thou shalt go to Zion, and have an inher[page break] itance with the Saints. Land, & corn & wine, & oil, Flocks & herds, and vineyards, thou shalt eat the fruit, & rejoice in the abundance of good, which the Lord will give thee. Thou shalt worship in the temple, & serve at the table of the Lord, & witness all the glorious operations of the Latter day Glory, when all the ancient worthies, shall be assembled before the Lord, & the Spirit be poured out on the sons of Levi, & see Jesus Christ coming in the clouds of heaven with power & great glory. Thou shalt have part in the first Resurrection, & reign with thy Redeemer 1000 years upon the earth.

Thou art of the blood of Ephraim & I seal these blessings &c. in the name of Jesus Christ Amen & Amen

Probably given by
J. Albertson [pencil writing in different handwriting]

[Transcribed by Cheryl Brawn and Suzanne Taysom, Mar. 2014]

Patriarchal blessing of Mary Wood Pratt, unknown patriarch. “Mary Wood Pratt Collection,” MS 25036, file 1, p. 1-2. Church History Library, Salt Lake City.

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