Jared Pratt Family Association

Descendants of Jared Pratt, his daughter Mary, and his five sons: Anson, William, Parley, Orson and Nelson.

Mrs. Percy W. Pratt
Corresponding Secretary
290 East 1100 South
Bountiful, Utah 84010
Phone: 295-3757

Dr. David Stratford Murdock
3887 Dean Drive
West Jordan, Utah 84120
Phone: 298-2957

Dear Pratt Family:

Let me express the thanks from all the officers of the Association for your support this year.  Because of your generous contributions we have been able to double our efforts in research.  There has been a great deal of work done and it is proceeding full steam.  We have no family group sheets available however.  Let’s continue to support the effort.

Your officers are working on Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws that will give us a number of benefits, among which will be bulk mailing at greatly reduced cost.

Reunion Notice

We want to encourage all of you who can to come and join us in the Annual Reunion.

Date: July 19, 1975
Place: Large Bowery at Liberty Park, Salt Lake City
Time: 6:00 p.m.

Come prepared to have a good time.

6:00 to 7:00 p.m. – Bring your own picnic lunch.  Ice cream will be furnished.

7:00 to 8:00 p.m. – Business and information

8:00 p.m. – Listen to or dance with the Pratt Dance Band
….remember how good they were last year….

We will also have a Volleyball net set up and that was great last year too!

Now! I am sure you are anxious to know about the research on Parley P. Pratt.  We have purchased copies of the article published in the “BYU Studies” entitled, “Eleanor McLean and the Murder of Parley P. Pratt”, by Steven Pratt.  These you can buy at the reunion or order by mail from the corresponding secretary.  The cost will be $1.00 per copy.

Steven has near completion, the first hundred pages of his Biography of Parley P. Pratt.  By resolution of the Directors in a recent meeting, we will run a limited number of mimeograph copies of this first section.  If you desire a copy send $2.50 per copy now to reserve your copy.  Your payment must be here before June 15th.  There will be no extra copies printed.

Previous year’s packets are still available in a limited supply.

Please continue your support of our research program.  Remember – Annual Dues $5.00/.  Any contribution above that and we especially wanted to thank those who are sending more – will be gratefully appreciated and accepted.

Again, thank you for your support in our great common ancestry.


Percy W. Pratt, President

[transcribed from original and proofread by David Grow, Dec. 2006]

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