Pratt Descendants Organize Association
About 50 descendants of the five brothers, Parley P., Orson, Anson, William and Nelson Pratt, met yesterday afternoon at the residence of Milando Pratt and organized a permanent association to be known as the Pratt Family Genealogical association. Milando Pratt, the eldest living son of Orson Pratt, was unanimously elected president, custodian and librarian. Parley Parker Pratt, grandson of Parley P. Pratt, was chosen vice president; Mathoni W. Pratt, son of Parley P. Pratt, secretary and treasurer; Valton M. Pratt, son of Orson Pratt, recording secretary. May Pratt, granddaughter of Parley P. Pratt, officer at large. Officers of the association urge that all descendants of the five Pratt brothers send in as soon as possible births, names, marriages, deaths, where born, where and when died and temple work done, this information to be recorded in the Pratt family record. Names should be sent to Mathoni W. Pratt, 770 Ashton avenue or Miladno Pratt, 1005 east Ninth South, Salt Lake City.
[Journal History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Apr. 22, 1917, 8]
[Deseret News, April 23, 1917]
[transcribed and proofread by David Grow, Apr. 2006]