Nauvoo, Ill. June 16, 1842

Dear brother in the Lord:–

It has been so long, and so many scenes have transpired since I last saw you that I thought I would not let this opportunity pass without writing.

By the stars I see what progress you make in this last kingdom of our Lord and Savior: I am now on the largest amount of business that I have ever undertaken, since I have been in the church: It is to write and compile the History of br. Joseph, embracing the etire history of the church. As it will occupy <my> time and talents for a long time, should <nothing> intervene.

Nauvoo, gains very fast. And the prophet gains; he seems to be strengthened according to what is necessary to accomplish the great work of the last days.

It is in general, healthy with us. and although the saints arrive daily by water and by land, provisions are plenty and cheap: The Temple columns are now being raised, or at least the plinths or bases of them have been hoisted [page break] upon the wall. and they appear quite sublime. The season has been somewhat cool though crops look promising. When you come here, if you could bring me an old Bible, translated and printed before King James’ you would confer on your old friend, a great favor.

We think a great deal of the return of Br O. Hyde; He has greatly honored his calling; and showed himself an ardent and manly soldier of his Heavenly Master; I can never think of him, without bringing to mind the ‘Snails we eat.

Bros Fielding & Clark will give more particulars than I can write.

give my respects to all saints.

As ever
W. W. Phelps

To P P Pratt

P.S. Enclose you a couple of the latest specimens of My muse,– published in our city.

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[Transcribed by Mauri Pratt and Suzanne Taysom; Oct. 2015]

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