42 Islington, Liverpool, England
April 14th, 1857
To Pres B. Young,
Dear Bro:-
Elder J. D. Ross is desirous of marrying a wife: he has been bereaved of his only wife and child by death; and has applied to me for counsel in regard to marrying again. Knowing that he had received his endowments, I did not feel at liberty to grant him his desire without your consent, and refered him to you.
Brother Ross is truly a faithful humble man; and has been for some length of time presiding over the London, Essex, Kent, and Reading conferences, with great success. There are no conferences in this kingdom in a more flourishing condition than these. He is beloved by all the saints. If you feel to grant him the priveledge of marrying, I am confident that it will prove a blessing to him, and he will [page break] greatly appreciate the favour. Bro. Ross does not wish to encumber himself without your free and full consent believing that with your approbation he will be blessed.
Most sincerely and affectionately I subscribe myself your humble Brother in Christ
Orson Pratt, Sen.
[page break]
Orson Pratt April 14 / 57 (enclosure J. D. Ross) to B. Young
Death of Bro Ross Wife & Son, wishes liberty to marry again
[Transcribed by Nora Fowers and Julia Winfield, March 2010]