Priesthood Quorums’ Table
Mutual Work

“The Millennial Hymns” is the title of a book of music which contains fifty of Elder Parley Pratt’s hymns, mostly appearing in the L. D. S. Hymn Book, though there are some new ones. The work is edited and compiled by Samuel Russell, and printed by the University Press, of Cambridge. It contains a preface giving a short sketch of the life of the noted author, and for many of the hymns there are two tunes from standard compositions by leading musicians, many of which are familiar to all singers. The book is especially valuable to choirs which desire to sing the songs of Elder Pratt to tunes other than those used in the L. D. S. Psalmody. There are seventy-five tunes selected from English, German, Italian, French, Welch, and modern American hymn music, covering a period from the sixteenth century to the present time. Selections are given from many noted composers. The tunes constitute a collection especially adapted to the “Millennial Hymns,” but may also be used, of course, with other hymns having corresponding meter. The book may be obtained either from the book stores or from Samuel Russell, Salt Lake City, Utah.

[Improvement Era, 1913]


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