Recent Deaths

Pratt, William Jared—William Jared Pratt, an old pioneer and a respected resident of Utah and Idaho, and one who has been prominent in Church work, died June 16, at the Groves L.D.S. hospital, Salt Lake City, as a result of a critical operation. Mr. Pratt was born June 27, 1844, at Nauvoo, Ill., and came to Utah with his parents when about seven years old. He located at Payson, Utah county, Utah in the year 1866, removing thence to Franklin, Idaho. He was married to Alice Smart in 1863, and a few years later, in response to a call from the stake president, acted as Bishop of Clifton, Idaho, which position he held for a period of seven years. On April 10, 1872, he married Charlotte Chandler Parkinson, a daughter of Samuel R. and Arabella Chandler Parkinson. In 1883 he moved to Wilford, Idaho, and was one of the pioneers of that place. In 1904 he moved to Alldon, Cassia county, where he lived for five years and it was there that he took sick. Upon the advice of his doctor he went to the Groves L.D.S. hospital at Salt Lake city, and was operated upon with the result stated. The deceased is survived by two wives, and nine children. He is the father of 12 children, and has 29 grandchildren and three great grandchildren. During his whole life, Mr. Pratt has been a valiant worker for the cause, working in new and virgin country, blazing the trail for the generations that were to come after. He has helped to build school houses, etc., and withal has done the work of a frontiersman, always ready to assist in any public enterprise. The community has lost a most valuable member, and the family a devoted father.

[Deseret News, June 28, 1909, 3]

[transcribed and proofread by David Grow, Jan. 2006]


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