An Act

Granting unto Orson Pratt, Sen., Ezra T. Benson, John Rowberry, Thomas Atkin and Hezekiah Mitchel, a Herd Ground in Tooele county.

Be it enacted by the Governor and Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Utah,–That all that portion of land, lying in Tooele county, bounded as follows; commencing at the north west corner of E.T. Benson and Co’s. survey; thence south, one thousand and ninety six rods; thence west even hundred and sixty two rods; thence south four hundred and twenty seven rods; thence north thirteen hundred and ninety-five rods to the shore of the Great Salt Lake; thence easterly along the shore of said lake for the place of beginning; be, and the same is hereby granted unto Orson Pratt, sen., E.T. Benson, John Rowberry, Thomas Atkin and Hezekiah Mitchel, to control the same for the benefit of the citizens of Tooele city, E.T. City and Richville, for herding and grazing purposes during the pleasure of the Legislative Assembly.

Approved Jan. 8, 1858.

I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the original on file in my office.

W.H. Hoopes, Soc. pro tem., U.T.

[Deseret News, Feb. 17, 1858]

[transcribed and proofread by David Grow, Sept. 2006]

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