The Prophet

Since Elder Pratt took the oversight of affairs in the eastern states, the “Prophet” has improved somewhat: as pictorality is among the fashions of the day, it ranks with “pictorials;” or as it should be, picturels; and we hope the improvement will continue.  The elders abroad, can improve Mormon papers by obtaining and forwarding subscribers and means, to the Times and Seasons, the Neighbor, at Nauvoo, and the Prophet at New York.

Who knows how many thousands many be enlightened by reading one sound doctrinal paper, where popularity might deter them from hearing the truth?  It was one of the “Evening and Morning Stars” that first whispered Mormonism into the hearts of a few in the kingdom of Great Britain; and it may be that other kingdoms will hear the same glad tidings through these flying chariots of thought.

Having, however, touched the subject in another article, we conclude by saying, that union, integrity, and exertion, where faith, virtue, and charity have any influence on man, subdue the folly of nations, and light up love among millions.

[Times and Seasons, Feb. 1845]
[Journal History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Feb. 15, 1845, 1]

[transcribed and proofread by David Grow, July 2006]

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