Diary of Nephi Pratt continued from Book 4.


Aug 14 7th 1905.

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Portland          Monday   Aug. 7, 1905

Wrote letters to:
A.W. Ball                                Ezekiel Johnson
H.P. Hovey                             Geo. A. Hunter
Chas Fritsche                          H.Q. Hale
T.C. Sirrine


Remained at home in the evening.

Prayers about 10 then Retired.

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Portland          Tuesday Aug 8. 05

Spent this day in Writing, and in the Afternoon recieved a telegram that from Prest. Jos. F. Smith, that my brother Lehi was at Rexburg very sick and that I was badly needed there.

Accordingly I took the 8:30 pm train for that place.

I took the Tourist Sleeper that night. Left it and went into a day coach after leaving Le Grand next morning.

This evening I spent two very happy hours conversing on Mormonism with the president of a bank in Ohio, and a young lawyer. They received my side of the questions discussed as indisputable, and were deeply interested.

Retired about 11 pm.

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Enroute to Rexburg, Wednesday Aug 9. 1905

Traveled all day, and at 2 oclock in the night arrived at Pocatello.

I had not taken a sleeper and I had to sit up the remainder of the night waiting for a train. at 9:30 am I got on to a train which I supposed was a northern train but which proved to be a Portland train and which took me back to American Falls. I returned on a “Freight” that Afternoon to Pocatello, and took a room and at the Hotel and slept until morning. I then got on the train going north, and landed.

Wrote a letter to Hannah.

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Pocatello         Aug 10.05

Enroute Rexburg, Thursday

At 9:30 A.M. by accident got on the West bound train, instead of the one going north, and much to my chagrin was taken back to American Falls.  In the evening returned to Pocatello, and remained there all night.

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Enroute Rexburg, Friday, Aug. 11. 1905

At 9:30 got on the North bound train, and near 12 noon arrived at Rexburg.

Found Lehi almost dying with the dropsy.  His legs and feet wer <had> bursted, and were b a red and dark brown color, and running water all the time.  The doctor had tried to tap his abdomen but had not instruments long enough to reach the water.  They had tapped his scrotum (bag) and taken a chamber pot full of water from it.

They had given up all hopes of him living, s and had decided that his days were few.  Alma and Charlie Pratt his sons were with him, Charlie being about 13 years old.  Alma 26 and married.

The folks live in Otto, Wyo. and are two poor to come.

His is the sadest case that I have known of for years.  Yet he is very patient cheerful and resigned.

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Rexburg, Saturday Aug 12. 1905

Yesternight I sat up with my brother until 5 o’clock this morning.

When I left him in Alma’s care, and went to bed tired out.

The Brethren came last night and administered to him.

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Rexburg Sunday Aug. 13. 1905

Wrote letters to
Pres. Jos. F. Smith
Sadie M. Pratt

Spent this day with my brother. He was some brighter and rested better than usual.  I went with brother Hyrum Ricks to supper and enjoyed a very pleasant evening, and a mighty good supper.  Returned and sat up at my brother’s bedside all night, while Alma and Charlie went to bed.

Altho Lee was up and down nearly every hour, he rested a good deal.

At 5 in the morning I called Alma, and I turned in.

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Rexberg Monday Aug. 14. 1905

Wrote letters to:
Mrs Hannah Pratt
“ Rosie Whittle
“ A. J. Pratt
J. C. Argall
Mrs. “ “ “
E. N. Stanworth
Nephi Hepworth
C. H. Fritsche
Augusters Short
Thomas Hull
S. A. Jackson
P. M. at Boise
1 & 2 Hale

Went by invitation to sister Clegg’s to take supper.  During the time I was there, Isaac Cleggs wife was taken with dreadful cramps.  I administered to her.  They called in Doctor Hyde.  They were in such confusion, that I did not remain to supper but returned to my sick brother.  Found him very bad.  He has had some dreadful spells today. Bishop Ricks and another Elder and Alma and I administered to him, and then I went to bed.

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Rexberg, Tuesday, Aug. 15. 1905

I was awakend about 5.30 this morning by Charlie.  He informed me that Lee had spent a wreched night.  I found him in a dreadful condition.  Smothering coughing, and with such pain in his Kidneys that he would groan and cry aloud.  Sent Charlie over to the Bishop’s to get some elders.  They came shortly and we administered to him.  He has been some better for several hours.

Alma is sick with bowel trouble.  I got him some medicine.

At 5 o’clock this afternoon my beloved brother Lehi passed peacefully away without a struggle.

We put him immediately in the hands of undertaker Young, who worked till midnight over his remains. I procured good linen burial clothes, and we were prepared this night for starting to Teton Basin in the morning.

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Teton Basin  <Rexberg>

Wednesday Aug 16. 1905 

We got a team from the Bishop and started with the remains for the Teton Basin.  Arrived there to Will Taylor’s about 5 p.m.  Alma and Charlie drove over to the Town of Driggs, and by invitation I stopped at Will Taylor’s the husband of May Driggs, all night.  Went to bed without eating almost before dark.

I found May and Edna here, and being Aunt Cornelia’s girls I had a very great wellcome.

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Teton Basin

Driggs, Thursday, Aug. 17. 1905.

May Driggs Taylor has three children Jean about 11 years, and Florence and Vivian girls respectively 9 an 7 years.

They seem beautiful, healthy and good. I have greatly enjoyed my self with them.

At one o clock we held funeral services over the remains of my poor brother, in the amusement Hall at Driggs.  These services were attended by his old friends and associates and they were very lovely. The singing was particularly beautiful.  James Griggs, and his wife Maud Pratt Griggs, fine instrumental and vocalle  musicians contributed to the enjoyment of the occasion.  We then took the remains to the village of Pratt and in the little cemetery there burried him beside his children.

Returned to Driggs to May Taylors.

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Teton Basin,    Friday, Aug. 18.  1905

Took breakfast early and my brother Mathoni and myself returned to Rexberg by team.

Spent the night at sister Feanches, Richard Osborn procured me a room there.

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Rexberg,  Saturday  Aug. 20 <19>. 1905.

At 8 a.m. took train to Pocatello, and at 5 p.m. took train for Portland.

Rode all this day

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Enroute to Portland Aug 20. 05

Traveled all day and at 9.30 arrived in Portland.

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Portland, Monday, Aug. 21. 1905.

Wrote letters to,
Ezra P. Monson
Henry P. Monson <Hovey>
Helen M Browning
C H  Fritsche
Hyrum  A  Waston
Mrs. M.H. Rowe                    Butte

Found the folks well, and enjoyed again the delight of being with them.

Happy night.

Portland Tuesday  Aug. 22. 1905

Went to the concert given by the Ogden Tabernacle choir in the Auditorium.  All the Elders recieved complimentary Tickets to same.  It was indeed a treat.

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Portland          Wednesday     Aug. 23.  1905

Wrote letters to:
Prest  Jos. F. Smith
W.C.  Spence
Catherine Boise
Kate B Anderson
Hannah Pratt
Louis A Hyde
Alma Pratt
Alice J. Pratt

Elders were all arrived from all over the mission, and the reunions among them were very pleasant.  Spent much of this day in greeting them.

In the afternoon Friday we went to the Fare. Met many Utah people and enjoyed ourselves.

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Portland  Thursday Aug.  24. 1905.

Spent this day in recieving and  making wellcome the elders from various fields.

We went, in a boat all the elders and me and several woman  to  for a two hours ride up the Williamette River.  There were of Elders and Saints at all  total about 70  Our ride was glorious.  Never was anything more enjoyable.  In the afternoon we went to the fair to celebrate Utah day.  The singing of the Tabernacle choir of Ogden in the Utah building, and the speaking etc was most interesting.

We remained this very evening and witnessed, a terrific representation of a sea fight. It was something awful to behold.

Returned home very tired.

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Portland          Friday    Aug.  25. 05

Apostles John Henry Smith and Charles W. Penrose have been here all the week, in attendance upon the Irrigation congress, also brothers B. Goddard and Thomas Hull and their families and many visiting saints.  This day we have visited and been visited almost to death.  Our house is like a congregation.

In the evening with the Elders and brother and sister Penrose we went out to the Oaks to a party, and after our young folks had enjoyed the dance for  until near midnight, 70 of us, elders and saints took a boat and came home by water.

We had a lovely ride and never a more enjoyable time.

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Portland          Saturday    Aug. 26.1905.

Spent today mostly at home with a house full of visitors except in the morning when Elder E. Johnson and myself took sister Anna Andrews of Boise, Idaho, Accompanied by sis Mary Smith to the “Oaks”, and Elder J. re-baptized sis Andrews, and in the same evening I confirmed her. At the “Oaks” I was interviewed by a reporter, and in the evening “Journal” a sensational article was published as to our being there and stating many things that were untrue.

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Portland          Sunday   Aug.   27.  1905.

We held our Conference in the Hall in Aliska Building and had three sessions, at 10 a.m. and 2 and 7 p.m.  Our hall was crowded with visiting saints all day long, only a few strangers being present.  I made an opening address and severall of the presidents of conferences reported their labors.  Apostles John Henry Smith and Charles W. Penrose were with us through this conference.  They contributed greatly to our happiness by their presence.  They one or both of them spoke in each session of our conference and the spirit of the Lord was with us.

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Portland          Monday    Aug.  28.  1905.

At 10 a.m. all the Elders (40 in Number) and two or three visiting brethren, and the two apostols were in Elders priesthood meeting.  After hearing a report from several Conference Presidents, and a short report of the mission from me, we were instructed by Elder C.W. Penrose for half an hour, Then by John Henry Smith for over an hour and a half.  The elders were greatly delighted, and profoundly instructed.

In the afternoon we held another session and assigned the Elders to the following fields, viz;

Portland ore  conference

Prest  E W Johnson                             Elders Nephi Hepworth
James A Larsen-  S.A. Jackson:  Eli Gardiner
William Crowther- Walker- Garner   Jardine

Seattle Conference
Prest.  Juel  J. Hendrichs         Elders: Harry Bitten, J. W. Boman

Tacoma District
W. Jenkins                                          Elders:  Ricks, Halls.

Spokane District
H. Jeffries                  Elders:-  Anderson, – Holliday, Nelson

Boise Conference
M. Nelson.      Elders:  Christensen, Boyden.

Grand Ronde Valley
G. Widdison.  Elder Teeples

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<Portland        Monday 28.Aug.   1905>
Portland                      Tuesday   Aug. 29.  1905.

Anaconda Conference
Prest. Bingham.                       Elders:    Reid

Butte Conference
Prest. A. W. Ball         Elders:-  Bromley

The following Elders were honorably released viz:  John W. Smith   Ezeikiel Johnson and W. J. Mitchel.


Portland          Tuesday   Aug. 29 . 05.

The brethren took trains in great part for their fields of labor.  Some, however, not for several days afterwards.

Spent this day with Elders Saints visitors and family.

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Portland          Wednesday  Aug.  30.   1905.

Spent this day also with Elders, Saints, Visitors and family: Reading, writing, counseling, and directing.

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Portland.  Thursday  Aug. 31. 1905.

At home, same as day before

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Portland  Friday, Sept. 1. 1905

Wrote letters to
Henry Flamm & Co.
Mrs. M.J. Copley
Prest. Jos. F. Smith
C F Balka
Dr. G.E. Bruere                                               City
German E. Ellsworth
Helen Browning

In the evening went with Sadie, out to St. Johns.  Visited at Brother and Sister Petersons and slept there all night.

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Portland  Saturday Sept. 2. 05.

Returned from St. Johns Early in forenoon

Spent day with family etc.

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Portland  Sunday,  Sept. 3. 1905.

Attendinged Sunday School and meetings all day.  Spoke in the Sunday night meeting.

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Portland      Monday,   Sept. 4. 05.

In the af

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Portland Tuesday Sept 5. 05.

In the afternoon went out to Brother and Sister Holmans. Spent the night there. Music and Singing and social converse were ours until a late hour.

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Portland Wednesday, Sept. 6. 1905.

Went on 9.15 am O R & N  Ry. to the Dalles. On the incoming train from Salt Lake Jerome my wife came.

We stayed at the Dalles all night. She was well and bright. and good and entirely free from her habit of Drink.

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Dalles,Ore.Thursday Sept. 7. 1905.

Took the 7 am Boat in company with Jerome enroute for Portland. The Scenery along the Columbia down to Portland was something magnifficent. Jerome was over whelmed with its beauty.

Arrived in Portland in due time. Took Jerome to a room just accross the Steel Bridge. Went home to head quarters

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Portland Friday, Sept 8. 05.

Wrote letters to
M. W. F. Holling
M. E. Nelson
James G Widdison
L. B. Bingham
Frank Davenport Jr.

Took Jerome onto the hights, into the City Parks and the afternoon in the fair grounds.

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Portland, Saturday, Sept. 9. 1905.

Worked some hours getting up my journal. Then went arround some with Jerome!

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Portland Sept 10. 1905. (Sunday)

Sunday School at 10 a.m.  Very thinly attended.

Forenoon meeting the same. The president of the branch Elder Marcus W. F. Holling was as usual conspicuous for his absence.  This has been the case for months.  He is seldom seen at meetings, and never seen among the saints in their homes.   In the evening meeting Elder Bp. Ricks, spoke a few minutes, and then the second counselor of the branch brother Holman preached a good old sectarian exhortation.  He would be an engageing speaker if he would learn doctrine.

In a ten or 15 minutes talk ed I rebuked Marcus Holling who fortunately was present.  I told him and his counselors if their work, or sickness, or any thing else kept them from meetings that I wanted their resignation: that they could not expect the saints to attend if the leaders remained at home:

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Portland Sunday Sept. 10. 1905. (Cont.)

That when the head is sick the whole body is sick.  I called upon them in the most solemn manner, to awake to a sense of their duties, to come out to all of their meetings, and to go out and visit among the Saints: to let the saints see their faces in their houses etc. once in a while, so that they would know that they had an interested Bishopric.

These things I said by the power of the Holy Gohst.  I know that the saints rejoiced, and that what I said was from God.

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Portland        Monday Sept. 11. 1905.

Spent most of this day with Jerome sight seeing.

Wrote 3 letters

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Portland, Tuesday, Sept. 12. 1905.

Wrote letters to-
Hannah Pratt
George Reynolds

At 8 p.m. met with the elders, <and> the local priesthood at Head Quarters. We expressed it to be the sentiment <sense> of this meeting that Brother Westergaard be released from Teacher in the Sunday School, and be made president of the M.I. Assn. and Lou Simmons as his first and Ernest Bauerle as his as his second counselor and Martha Bauerle as Secy.of that institution.

After the business of the meeting was through I repeated again what I had said Sunday in regard to brother Holling and the Branch Presidency, and warned them as to there duties.

The spirit of the Lord was with us for which I thank his Holy name.

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Portland Wednesday Sept. 13. 05

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Portland Thursday Sept. 14. 1905.

Took train in company with wife Jerome for Seattle

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Tacoma            Friday   Sept  15. 05

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Seattle             Saturday   Sept  16. 05

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Seattle             Sunday    Sept.  17.  05

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Seattle             Monday  Sept.  18.  05.

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Tacoma                        Monday   Sept.  19. 05

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Seattle                         Wednesday    Sept.  20. 05.

Wrote letters to
H.P. Hovey
S A  Jackson
John W  Combs
R L  Robison
Geo  Reynolds
Spencer Clawson
Jos  F Smith
A.L. Beck

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Seattle                                     Thursday  Sept.  2

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Seattle      Friday    Sept. 22. 1905

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Tacoma Monday Tuesday Sept. 19.  05

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Seattle Wednesday Sept. 20. 05.

Wrote letters to
H. P. Hovey
S A Jackson
John W Combs
R L Robison
Geo Reynolds
Spencer Clawson
Jos F Smith
A. L. Beck

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Seattle Thursday Sept 21 <1905>

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Seattle Friday Sept 22. 1905

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Seattle             Saturday   Sept  23, 1905

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Seattle             Sunday     Sept  24.   1905.

Attended  S.S. at 10 a.m.  At 2 met with the Saints.  Dedicated the Meeting House.and presented the name of Elder J. W. Boman as 1st  couselors  of the Branch, and first assistant Supt of Sunday School.

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Seattle             Monday   Sept. 25.  1905.

Wrote letters to:

A. W Ball
Wm Jenkins
Heber J. Grant.

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Seattle             Tuesday  Sept  26.  1905

Took 9:45 Train for Portland

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Portland Wednesday Sept 27.05

Wrote letters toWrote letters to-
James G. Widdison
Hyrum  A. Weston
N. J. Pratt
Stewart Eccles
Des. News Book Store
J. Charlton
Geo Reynolds

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Portland          Thursday  Sept 28.  1905.

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Portland          Friday   Sept  29.  1905

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Portland          Saturday   Sept  30. 1905

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Portland  Sunday  Oct 1. 1905

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Portland  Monday Oct 2nd. 1905

With Sadie took train at 915 a m. Her going to Burley Idaho, and I going to Salt Lake to Conference

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<Minidoka> Burley, Oct 3. 1904

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Minidoka  Wednesday Oct 4. 05

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Salt Lake City,  Thursday Oct 5. 05

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Salt Lake City  Friday Oct 6. 1905

Conference began

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Salt Lake City  Saturday Oct. 7. 05


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Salt Lake City.  Sunday Oct 8. 05


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Salt Lake City  Monday Oct 9. 05.

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Salt Lake City  <Tuesday> Oct 10. 05

Wrote letters to
Proprietor Minidoka Hotel
Mrs. Ellen Vickers
Alice J Pratt

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Salt Lake City  Wednesday Oct. 11. 05

Wrote Letters to
J. Charlton
Clara Barton
A.& C. Feldemheimer
R. L. Robinson
Sam. A. Jackson
Heber Q. Hale
Sadie M. Pratt
Olof Lundwall
John W. Smith

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Salt Lake City  Thursday Oct 12. 05

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Salt Lake City, Friday, Oct. 13. 05.

Wrote letters to
Pres. Jos. F. Smith
Hon J. Charlton
Mrs Emma Holling
H. P. Hovey

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Salt Lake City, Saturday, Oct. 14, 1905

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Salt Lake City, Sunday, Oct. 15. 1905

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Salt Lake City, Monday Oct. 16. 1905.

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Salt Lake City, Tuesday Oct. 17. 1905

Pres. Smith had told me to clothe up my family for Winter. I got for Hannah and family from Z.C.M.I. $62.70.

and from Knitting Works            12.00


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Salt Lake City, Wednesday Oct. 18. 1905

At 10.30 A.M. I took train for Burley. Arrived at Minidoka, at 8 p.m. and went to a rooming house to await the 9.15 a.m. Train tomorrow.


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Minidoka, Thursday Oct. 19. 1905

Took the morning train for Burley. Arrived there at about 11 a.m.

Met my wife Sadie who had been visiting her sister Isabella Webb. and her husband Aldelbert Webb.  They are good people and thorough Latter day Saints.

We spent Friday, Saturday and Sunday with them, and had a very interesting visit.

On Sunday 22nd. inst a meeting was held in the public School house. It was almost full of listeners mostly Saints, only one or two outsiders.

I was the principle Speaker. Elder Clark Darrington making a few prefatory remarks.

We had excellent liberty, and an interesting meeting.

We held another at night at Brother Webbs.  Same good spirit prevailed there.

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Burley Monday Oct 23. 1905.

Took the morning <Evening> train for Minidoka, arrived o.k. Was accompanied by Sadie.

Took Room there for the night, and at 4.50 pm next day took train forBoiseIdahowhere we arrived about 11 p.m. Was met there by the Elders, and by Sister Mary Smith and Annie Andrews.

We took a room at Sister Smiths. I got the terrible news by letter from brother Fritsche inSeattlethat my wife Jerome was “drinking”.

Wired him to send her to Portland. Thursday night. and I would meet her there.

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Boise, Id. Wednesday Oct. 25.05

Took the 4.10 pm Train with Sadie for Portland.  Traveled all night and arrived there on Thursday fornoon.

Found the Elders and the children all well, and made the following assignment of the Elders,

Elder L.J. Garner to be president of Victoria District and Elders Walker Burkin and Elder Reynolds of Seattle to go there with him.

We also appointed Elder Crowther to go to Tacoma to labor under the presidency of Elder Jenkins , and also Elder Butcane

I released Elders Nephi Hepworth, and James A Larsen honorably.

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Portland Thursday, Oct 26, 05.

Wrote letters to —
W.C. Christensen  three in number
G.E. Ellsworth

Stayed at the depot till midnight looking for Jerome.

She did not come

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Portland Friday, Oct. 27. 1905

Went down town and found that brother Hendricks had accompanied her here and that they had come on the morning train.

Wrote letters to.
G. E. Ellsworth
Mrs. A. M G. Hook
R. L. Robinson
Des. Sunday School Union
H. G. Whitney
Hyrum RIcks
Geo. Reynolds
W C Christensen
Jos. R. Reservey
A. L. Craig

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Portland, Saturday Oct. 28. 05.

My WIfe Jerome took the 9/15 a.m. train for Salt Lake today.  I went and assisted her to get off.

Wrote Letters to:
Hannah Pratt
R. H. Teeples
Juel J. Hendricks
Geo. Reynolds
Seymour B. Young
James G. Widdison

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PortlandSunday Oct. 29. 1905.

Spent this day in Sunday School, & meetings Spoke in the afternoon and Evening with fair liberty.

Our Saints were found to be few in number and I felt a little discourged at the slim attendance

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PortlandMonday Oct. 30th. 05.

Spent this day in writing. and doing some business up town.

In the evening went by invitation to a social at Sister Thomas’ residence took Sadie with me. This was given in Honor of Elder Nephi Hepworth, as a fare well party. All the Elders were there and brother and Sister Edmunds and their children and others.

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Portland, Tuesday Oct 31. 1905.

Took bath, at the Portland baths. . Visited at head quarters, with Sis. Simmons and Ida Day. In the evening visited with my family and with Sister Clara Evans.

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Portland, Wednesday Oc <Nov. 1st> 05.

Took 9.15 Train forBoise. Travled all day and all night, and arrived in Boise Early next morning

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Boise Id. Thursday Nov. 05.

Found the Elders and Saints well.  Went to Sis Mary Smiths.  Took lodging there.  Spent most of day there received several letters there, and wrote letters to
Nephi J. Pratt
Hannah Pratt
Juel J Hendricks

Visited Sis. Bruno.  She has two sick children, down with the Typhoid fever.  I set some hours with them.

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Boise Id. Friday Nov. 3, 1905.

Spent the day fou noon with Sis Bruno in Company with brother Merrills.

In the afternoon met with the Relief Society and the Elders.  Had a most excellent meeting.  Sisters bore testamony and Elders.  Then I occupied about an hour, with fine liberty.

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Boise Id. Saturday Nov 4, 05

Wrote letters to:

Mrs. Hannah Pratt
Erastus Johnson
Nels. B. Lundwal
J. Charlton

At 7.30 Went to Priesthood meeting. Where we in part organized a Mutual Improvement Assn.  We ordained to be a priest.  I was mouth in the ordination.  We also ordained the following young brethren to the Office of Deacon viz:

Other brethren being mouth.  We made an arrangement with brother Killian to take charge of the meeting house, to clean, dust, air, warm & light same for all our meeting for the sum of $500 per month.  After all business was completed I addressed the brethren for an hour. on their duties etc.

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Boise Sunday Nov. 5th 1905.

At ten o’clock AM met with the Sunday School.  They had a few exercises, and then turned it into a testimony meeting.  After several had testified they called upon some to speak.  I also spoke to the School for about 15 minutes.  A very lovely spirit prevailed.The Saints met in Conf. at 2 p.m.  There were twelve people in from Emmett Ward.  We heard from the elders, also from some visiting brethren.

We convened again in the evening at 7.30.  Elder Denis a visiting brother, also Bishop Nelson of Emmett, and myself were the speakers.  I spoke with good liberty on the personality of God.

In the evening the house was filled and a fine spirit prevailed.

Bp. Nelson prevailed upon me to go out to Emmett on the following Tuesday evening to hold meeting.

I gave him my promise that I would go.

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Boise, Monday Nov. 6th 1905.

At yesterdays conference we released Elders Boyden and Christensen from the Boise Conf. and appointed them to come toPortlandwith a view of giving them appointments to new fields. I went to State house and was introduced to Mr. Coffin the State Treasurer, and had a good conversation with him upon the subject of Politics and “mormonism

He seemed very friendly, and much opposed to Anti-mormon methods. Went from there and spent a delightful afternoon with the Elders at Sister Bradburies. Also visited with sisters Moss and Bradbury.  Went with the Elders and took supper at sister Borup’s. After which went to a very delightful Social at Sis. May Smiths, which lasted until12 pm.

A quartette club made up of 4 young men came in and sung most beautifully for us.

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BoiseTuesday, Nov. 7th 1905.

In company with Elder Boyden and brother Danio went to Emmett.  Was met at the Depot by the Bishop, and dined and royally entertained, and taken in a buggy to see the land. In the evening went and administered to a Sister Dewey, and then to meeting as per appointment. We found the latter day Saints meeting House filled up almost as full as it could hold.

I was the first speaker, and took up the subject of the “Origin of man.” and for an hour I spoke with the utmost liberty. In the first part of my discourse a methodist Minister came in and by the Bishop was invited to occupy a place on the stand. After I was through, Elders Denis and Boyden spoke each a short time and the Holy Spirit remained with us to the end. The minister Spoke a few sentences of aproval at the end. The Saints and Strangers wh were

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held spellbound. and at the conclusion of the services they did not seem like they wanted to seperate.

By conversing with the minister I found that my son Parker had shown him through theTempleBlockat a recent visit toSaltLakeand the minister was greatly taken with him, informing me that he was the smartest young man he had ever met.

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Emmett  Wednesday Nov. 8. 1905

At near 4 p.m.we met took leave of our new friends many of whom came to the depot to see us off. and went back to theBoise on the 4 pm train.

We arrived at Boiseabout 6 p.m.Went to the Capitol Hotel and stayed till the early morning <Thursday> train 7.30. when I took train for Portland.  I arrived there at Thursday Friday morning.

Spent Friday with my family and with the Elders. Found them all well. also spent Saturday at Home writing etc

Wrote letters to
Hannah Pratt
Henry P. Hovey

These I wrote on Saturday the 11th November

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Portland                      Sunday    Nov. 12.  1905.

The Elders, four of them had gone down to Hood River to prepare for a branch conference.  They had spread the word everywhere.and had held a morning session before I got there  I came on the morning train from Portland,  and arrived there about 12 noon. At 2 p.m. we met in a hall, and the room was almost well full quite a number of outsiders being present.  I spoke over an hour on the personality of God.  Oh, the spirit that was poured out upon me, and upon all of us there it was glorious.

In the evening we met again in brother Frank Davenports House, and did some business.  We considered it wise to give up the Sunday School for the winter because the saints

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lived so far apart.

After the business was over I spoke for near an hour.

Went to the Hotel Hood and at 6 a m  on Monday Nov. 13 in company with Elders Johnson and Jackson I took train for Portland where we arrived at 9 a.m.

Spent this day bathing and writing up my journal

Wrote letters to
Hannah Pratt
Alice J Pratt
Geo. A. Hunter


Portland  Tuesday  Nov. 14. 1905.

Met with the Elders and my class family in class work in the morning studying from the Mutual Manual, and Book of Mormon Subjects.  Our study proved intensely interesting, and more than two hours

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Tuesday, Nov. 14. 1905.

were spent without the interest flagging for one moment.

Wrote letters to one or two people.  I think to Bro Charles Fritsche who is the president of the Seattle Branch, and one to my Son N.J.P

Went out in the afternoon upon Williamett Hights and in the evening enjoyed a good visit talking on Sacred subjects.

Portland,  Wednesday

Nov. 15. 1905

Had another Splendid class meeting with my family and the Elders.  Same subject discussed as yesterday.

Did some business in town and spent remainder of day getting up my tithing Records.

In the Evening met in the Mutual Improvement Assn. had a most delight

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Wednesday   Nov 15.    continued

ful time.  There was music song, and recitation, and then the discussion of the a part of the 5th.lesson on in the manual.  A splendid spirit prevailed, though I was compelled to rebuke two or three young girls for their thoughtless fooling and whispering.

Portland  Thursday  Nov. 16. 05.

I spent this A.M. at Head quarters writing up my journal, and getting up my financial accounts.  Spent the afternoon and evening with my family and reading.

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Portland, Friday,   Nov. 17.  1905.

Spent this morning with the Elders in class, in which we studdied the subject of,  “ new revelation”.  Had a delightful two hours upon this lesson.

Afterwards I went to town and called to see the Lady who rents us our Hall, and procured a Hall for a party to be held on thanksgiving day.

I had also a long talk with her upon the rise and progress of “Mormonism” and she became most deeply interested.  I must have conversed with her for an hour or more, and her whole being seemed to be lit up by it.

Spent the evening at home reading.

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Portland,  Saturday,  Nov.  18. 1905.

Spent this day writing and reading etc., until evening when with my Wife Sadie, I attended a ten cent Theatre.

Prayers,  Bed.


Portland,   Sunday, Nov. 19. 1905.

This was the day appointed for our Quarterly Conf.

We had apparantly very stormy weather for our conference as it looked in the morning.  But Sunday School time approached the Sun came out in all its glory.  All day < it> alternated between fair and Cloudy, But did not rain any at such times as the people should have been gathering together, but only at such times while they were comfortably seated inside.

Our Sunday School, and

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Sunday   Nov. 19th   continued


our two meetings at 2 and 7 p.m. were better attended than usual.  In the afternoon Elders Ezra Monson and Jenkins from Hood River spoke, and I occupied the remainder of the time setting before my auditors the vindictive and outrageous spirit of the Salt Lake Tribune gang, and the Ministerial Assn. of Salt Lake City and other who for a year or more had been flooding the world with lies against our prophet Jos. F. Smith and his associates.and the great  I contrasted that with Presidents Smiths blessing of his enemies in his great speech at the end of the conference, and gave the saints a discription of the Union and  manifestation of Union and faith exhibited by the attendance, and by the voting.and the profound joy manifested in <the> tears of joy that furrowed the cheeks of many of< in> the great audience, at the profound and inspired  prayer blessing and sermon, delivered

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Sunday  Nov. 19.  continued


by Prest. Smith as before said.

There was a Josephite present who, after our meeting was dismissed, distributed a little Sheet printed on the Type-writer called the “Search Light” In which our Elders were challenged to public debate, were abused,  and notified that they would be shown up in the future and not be allowed to take advantage of the public, as they had been doing.

This peaice of Gall we treated with the contempt  it deserved, and after Elders Holling and Westergaard had talked to this specimen of bullyism <a short time> he departed crest-fallen with nothing to say.

At this meeting I blessed Sister Ida Days little baby.also sis  brother and Sister Ernest Bauerles.  I was mouth in blessing both. I gave the first one name of Della Louise and the <second the name of> Ruth Suscurn

At 7 p.m. our meeting was again f well attended, quite

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a number of Strangers being present. The meeting was filled with the power of God. Elder Erastus Johnson was the first speaker and his remarks were very inspiring. I took was greatly desireous to hear the young elders speak but was particularly restrained by the spirit to speak my self. I did with splendid liberty Subject “God”

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Portland Monday Nov. 20. 1905.

Spent this Week until Saturday the 25th Nov. Writing for the Star, Studying, and answering Corrispondence also Visiting the Saints.

Portland Sunday Nov. 26. 05

Spent this day in Sunday School and meetings. Good time all day

Portland Monday Nov. 27. 05

Wrote letters to –

Henry Jeffries             Heber Q. Hale
E. H. Anderson           N J Pratt
A.J. Pratt
M. E. Nelson
Stewart Eccles
Bp Hunt
George M Cannon

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Portland Tuesday Nov. 28. 1905

Spent this day visiting Saints. At Hospital with Thomas Howells, and at Sis Edna Popes House, assisting to decorate it for her Marriage.  Which takes place on Wednesday Nov. 29th.

Portland   Wednesday Nov. 29. 05.

Spent this day writing. Wrote a letter to Ortherus Pratt.

I recieved very discouraging letters from my Son Albert and daughter Romie Saying that their mother was gradually sinking. becoming weaker.

I am greatly troubled over this matter. I went to a wedding this night, and joined in matrimony Thomas Tafee and Sis. Edna Pope. Had most lovely time.

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Portland Thursday 30th. 1905.

This is thanksgiving day, and all is well with us in Portland.

Ate thanksgiving dinner with my family and some of the elders.

In the evening went to a dancing party, where the saints met in a Hall in the Aliska Building. We certainly had a fine party.

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